Simplify Student Screencasts with Screencastify Submit
With Enhanced E-Learning in full swing, chances are you've made a screencast at least once (or many, many times). It's a great way to teach topics asynchronously and provide quick feedback to students about their work. But have you ever considered having students submit screencasts of their own? In many cases, you probably have. And in some you've probably done it. The problem is, the logistics can be a lot to manage. Teach the kids to use Screencastify, make sure they share the link correctly, have them post it somewhere in Classroom, etc. Well this process just got easier with Screencastify Submit! Think Flipgrid but for screencasts (and webcam recordings) that save directly in your Google Drive. Better yet, all ETHS teachers have access to this premium tool already! Read below for more information on how to use it, and begin making student thinking visible quickly and easily with Screencastify Submit. Or, jump right in and check out my demo assignment! When you're done, add some ideas you have for using this tool with your classes in the comments!
Creating Assignments in Screencastify Submit
1. Click on the Screencastify icon in your extension bar in the top right corner and click on the three lines in the lefthand corner. Click on Submit.
2. Click on the blue New Assignment button and select the recording type. You can have students record their webcam or their screen (but not both). Click Next.
3. Give your assignment a Title and Instructions and click Next.
4. Configure your settings for your assignment. Choose assignment access, privacy, and email notifications based on your preferences. You can allow students not to view any videos, just their own video, or all of their classmate's videos. This would depend on the intended purpose of the assignment (as assessment, presentation, etc).
5. Share the link to your assignment with your students. You can do this by copying and pasting the link into another assignment sheet (recommended) or by using the Google Classroom icon to share directly to Google Classroom. Or click Preview to test your assignment yourself!
6. Review your assignments easily on your Submit dashboard. See how many submissions you have, access the shareable URL, or use the three dots to edit or close the assignment. All responses head to a folder in your Google Drive that you can access by clicking on the link under the Submissions column or by searching "Screencastify Submit" in your Drive.
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